Employment Law Blogs | Barrett & Farahany

Helping employees find justice in eleven states with offices in Illinois, Georgia, and Alabama.

Learn About Work Pay Discrimination

Learn About Work Pay Discrimination

The Equal Pay Act prohibits pay discrimination on the basis of gender. Signed into federal law in 1963, the Equal Pay Act was a big win for the women’s rights movement at the time. Unfortunately, pay discrimination continues to be an issue in today’s workplace, primarily for women who continue t…

What Employees and Employers Should Know About Overtime

What Employees and Employers Should Know About Overtime

In most hourly working arrangements, federal and state labor laws require that overtime (1.5 times the employee’s hourly rate) must be paid for any time worked in excess of 40 hours per week. This seems straightforward, but unfortunately, many employers are still getting it wrong.
Do I Qualify…

Understanding Whistlerblower Labor Laws in Georgia

Understanding Whistlerblower Labor Laws in Georgia

Like employees in most states, Georgia employees are subject to “at-will” employment, which means they can be terminated at any time for any reason. Although there are a number of federal laws that may override the at-will doctrine, Georgia law generally offers very few employee protections beyo…

How to File a Complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

How to File a Complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

If you believe that you have been discriminated against at work, you should consult an employment lawyer as soon as possible. If your belief is correct, you may have a legitimate claim related to discriminatory harassment or termination.
The following information is a general overview about th…

Executive Compensation

Executive Compensation

In most occupations, it’s a fairly simple matter for job applicants to negotiate the salary they want. Typically, there is a reasonable salary range for a given position, and the negotiation takes place within that predetermined range. In some cases, the exact salary is calculated in advance and …

Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

Life can be difficult for individuals who live with a physical or mental disability, and a large part of their struggle are the issues they face in securing and maintaining gainful employment. Many business owners resist hiring disabled applicants because of their belief that disabled individuals…

Facts About Religious Discrimination and Harassment

Facts About Religious Discrimination and Harassment

In America, everyone has the right to worship freely according to his or her beliefs. Religious freedom is a constitutional right, and employers and co-workers are legally forbidden from discriminating against or harassing employees because of their religion.
Additionally, employers should try t…

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual harassment is a serious workplace issue for both employers and employees. When an employee is sexually harassed, it can affect his or her confidence and productivity, can make him or her uncomfortable at work, and can lead to stress, loss of sleep, and depression.
Employers should strive …

Georgia’s At-Will Employment Doctrine

Georgia’s At-Will Employment Doctrine

At-will employment in Georgia is a two-way street. Employees who become dissatisfied with their job have the freedom to resign their position at any time for any reason or no reason whatsoever. Less popular with employees is the corollary that an employer who becomes dissatisfied with an employee…

To Complain or Not to Complain, That is the Question

To Complain or Not to Complain, That is the Question

When coworkers have different ideas about how to communicate or how to approach tasks at work, friction can result. Employees may take issue with the leadership style of their superiors, leaders may find the work ethic of their subordinates lacking, or coworkers may simply dislike one another for…

gender discrimination

The Negative Effects of Gender Discrimination

According to a poll conducted by TNS Research Surveys, 68% of women in America say they believe gender discrimination is something that happens in the workplace. Despite the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Pay Act more than 50 years ago, millions of women across the country still fe…

When Does a Workplace Qualify as Being Hostile?

When Does a Workplace Qualify as Being Hostile?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “hostile workplace,” but you might not be certain what that actually means. More than just a nebulous phrase describing a less-than-ideal workplace, “hostile workplace” is a very specific legal term that describes discriminatory working conditions so harmful to an…

Documenting Discrimination in the Workplace

Documenting Discrimination in the Workplace

Today’s workplace has never been more diverse, and this could mean employees are more likely than ever to face discrimination because of protected issues like religious beliefs, age, gender, race, or national origin. Although discrimination may be obvious, more often it may only be a feeling of h…

How Can Employers Avoid Illegal Harassment in the Work Place?

How Can Employers Avoid Illegal Harassment in the Work Place?

Illegal harassment can be a difficult situation for any employer to manage. Even exercising particular care during the hiring process may not be sufficient to filter our every employee who is capable of harassment. This is one situation where an ounce of prevention may truly be worth pound of cu…

Veterans’ Rights in the Workplace

Veterans’ Rights in the Workplace

Disabled veterans seeking civilian jobs may face discrimination and exclusion, especially if they have service-related injuries or PTSD. Fortunately, veterans are a federally protected class, which means there are laws in place to promote fair treatment by employers and prospective employers.

How to Spot Workplace Retaliation

How to Spot Workplace Retaliation

If you’ve recently taken part in a protected activity at your workplace (such as reporting or objecting to discrimination or harassment based on race, religion, gender, national origin, disability, age, or pregnancy, for example), you should be on the lookout for signs of retaliation.
State an…

Your Rights as a Disabled Employee in the Workplace

Your Rights as a Disabled Employee in the Workplace

If you are a disabled person, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may protect you from workplace discrimination related to your disability. If you feel you have been treated unfairly because of your condition, Atlanta’s foremost employment attorneys at Barrett & Farahany, LLP are here to he…

Your Rights as a Pregnant Woman in the Workplace

Your Rights as a Pregnant Woman in the Workplace

Pregnancy can be a happy event in a woman’s life, but it can also be a source of stress, worry, and fear about continued employment. Employers may react to pregnant employees with open hostility or may pressure pregnant employees to forego leave or quit the job rather than make accommodations tha…

LGBT Athletes Still Experience Harassment and Discrimination

LGBT Athletes Still Experience Harassment and Discrimination

Even with the recent number of LGBT professional athletes “coming out,” and becoming actively and openly gay in their respective sports, there is still much progress to be made. Most LGBT athletes find it challenging to be open about their sexual orientation, largely due the potential of being ha…

How to Prove Discrimination in the Workplace

How to Prove Discrimination in the Workplace

Proving discrimination in the workplace is sometimes difficult based upon the type of supporting evidence in the case. One type of evidence is called direct evidence. This is where you have written witness statements, emails, text messages, or other such documentation to establish your claim of d…

Different Types of Workplace Harassment

Different Types of Workplace Harassment

There are various forms of harassment in the workplace. While most people might think sexual harassment is the only one, they would be wrong. Besides this type of undesired behavior, there are other forms of harassment that could involve discrimination against another based upon various factors, …

Sexual Harassment in the Tech Industry

Sexual Harassment in the Tech Industry

When the topic of sexual harassment is brought up in the workplace, it is not uncommon for people to react in different ways. Some people make jokes about their company’s sexual harassment policies, while others are uncomfortable even discussing anything to do with sex or sexual content in the wo…

Changes in the Modeling Industry Could Help Improve Models’ Rights

Changes in the Modeling Industry Could Help Improve Models’ Rights

The modeling industry is a common place for several types of questionable workplace behaviors and sexual harassment. The industry could stand to be overhauled, and changes in employment laws could help address these issues and problems. Currently, the modeling industry is not heavily regulated, …

What Do You Do If You’re Being Discriminated Against at Work?

What Do You Do If You’re Being Discriminated Against at Work?

Although federal law prohibits discriminating against workers based on a number of factors, it still happens, as a discrimination lawyer in Atlanta GA can tell you. At Barrett & Farahany, LLP, we have helped many individuals get justice after they have been treated unfairly in the workplace. If y…

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Barrett & Farahany

Georgia Office

3344 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 800
Atlanta, GA 30326

Alabama Office

2 20th St N, Suite 900,
Birmingham, AL 35203

Illinois Office

77 W. Wacker Dr. Suite 4500
Chicago, IL 60601


Existing Clients: 866-989-0120