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New Employment Cases 334-237-7773Yet, while things are better, they’re not where they should be. In many workplaces, the situation for women isn’t what one could call good. There are still obstacles blocking the career paths of women, affecting both their roles and compensation. Despite Title VII making it illegal for an employer to discriminate against individuals based on their sex or gender in terms of employment, 30 percent of women report gender discrimination tied to pay. In fact, women earn just $0.82 for every $1.00 a man earns. For minority women, the wage dips to $0.55 on average. Furthermore, 4 out of 10 American businesses have no women serving in upper management.
Our gender discrimination attorneys in Alabama and Georgia have seen too many businesses stand in the way of an employee’s success because of their sex and/or gender, perceived and not. Through our years of experience, we have helped employees identify discrimination at work and sue to receive the compensation they deserve.
While both men and women can be discriminated against in the workplace, in almost 85 percent of cases, it is a female being subjected to different treatment. Either way, it is illegal for an employer to form assumptions around gender stereotypes and make employment decisions based on their own prejudices.
Incidents of sex/gender discrimination often include the following:
If you are not hired because a company’s clients are only comfortable dealing with men or if you are laid off while men with less seniority keep their jobs, you may have a case. In fact, according to a Gallup poll, 15 percent of women believe they have been unfairly denied a promotion because of their sex or gender.
If multiple men are in your position with near equal or less responsibility than you and are paid more, this may be gender discrimination. Thirty percent of women report being discriminated against in terms of pay, which is illegal both under Title VII and the Equal Pay Act.
If your position is reduced and you receive less pay while men with lower seniority and experience can move up in the company, it may be a case of gender discrimination.
In many situations, companies refuse to offer women full benefit coverage, but give male employees the option to cover their entire family. This may be because they fit the stereotype of the “family breadwinner.”
In many cases, gender discrimination goes hand-in-hand with other employment claims, including pregnancy discrimination, where the pregnant mother is not offered the same rights as other employees with short-term disabilities. Other examples include sexual harassment, which creates a hostile workplace.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is only one of many federal and state laws that can protect you against gender discrimination and other types of discrimination. Another is the Equal Pay Act. This requires employers to pay male and female employees, and employees of different races, religious beliefs, and other groups equal pay for equal or near equal work.
While gender discrimination can be difficult to prove, like any other type of discrimination, you need to protect your career and livelihood. Helping you and others in your workplace is the goal of Barrett & Farahany. If it’s happening to you, it’s also likely happening to others as well. We can help make a change in your workplace.
If you think you have been discriminated against, keep records of any incidents and contact our law firm. Our gender discrimination attorneys in Alabama, Georgia, and Illinois can file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Then we can sue on your behalf to recover the remedies owed to you for your hard work and dedication to your job. Don’t wait, contact us today.
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